Tuesday, June 15, 2010

June Club Time..

Wow! A week since I posted! I do apologize! My Mother-in-law came into town. She lives near Chicago, so we don't get to see them as much as we like. SO....I spent lots of time with her while she was here. Didn't have much time to post. BUT...I do have our club projects to share with you. Last Wednesday was our club day and I've said this before...but I LOVE our club days! We have a blast and I love my gals that come! (And we MISS the ones that can't come due to distance or other commitments!!!) But I wanted to share the projects we made with you. This one is our card that we did...
Happy Father's Day! I LOVE this grill set...think it is so stinking cute! :) I actually just copied this card from the Mini catalog. Instead of putting the tag on the box that they have it on, I just added it to a card. Why re-invent the wheel?!! :)

The background was done with the Textured Wheel. Just wheeled it across some Not Quite Navy cardstock. Love the bit of texture that adds. The technique we did on this page is called "Spotlighting." We stamped the whole image on Crumb Cake cardstock (formerly known as Kraft) and then stamped a portion of it again on Confetti White cardstock. Then we colored it in with pastels and a blender pen. Then punched out with a 1 3/8" circle punch and put on the stamped piece with dimensionals...
I thought the card was so much fun. :) Oh...and the colors are Not Quite Navy, Bashful Blue, Old Olive, and Real Red. And the tag was cut out using the Big Shot and the "Two Tags" die.
This next project is called a triangle box. You can make these a whole bunch of different sizes. This one we used a 4 1/4" x 11" piece of Crumb Cake. I think these boxes are SO much fun to make!!!! Here you go...
I LOVE this "Garden Whimsy" set! It's one of my faves. And since it's retiring at the end of this month (SO SAD!) I thought I would ink it up for my club gals. :) Here is a side view of the box...
We cut some slits in the side to tie the ribbon through. And added some Dazzling Diamonds as well. Then you just untie the ribbon at the top and put a treat inside! Here it is opened up...
Colors are Crumb Cake, Rich Razzleberry, Old Olive, Bashful Blue, and Basic Black. Fun combo! :) I hope you enjoyed these projects! Thanks for visiting!!!


Pam said...

Adore the Father's Day card and that stamp set. Hard to find a masculine card that isn't sports...this one's a winner! And the "spotlight" technique is so fun to do...I love it! SCS has some great samples of it using SU Stamp Sets...hadn't thought of doing it with this set. Thanks Ashley....you always bring the "I never thought of doing that" out of me....and I'm so glad you do!!

Ahlquist Family said...

I love the pouch!!! You have to email how you did it! Was it off of the Stampin' Up! Site?

Megan said...

I am so behind on your blog....geez! Cant you be a slacker like me and then its ok if I only check your blog once a week. :) LOL. I love these projects....super cute. :)

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