Monday, May 25, 2009

Pillow Play Time...

Are people still out there? Sorry I haven't been posting much. Life has been going on. :) And today is my daughter's birthday this is going to be quick. We also have family in town and have been having lots of fun playing with them. Thanks to my sister-in-law, I have something to post. Last night she wanted to play a bit in my stampin' room. So we went down and one of the things she wanted to see was making a pillow box. I showed her how to do one and this is how it turned out...
It went together so quick...which is fabulous! Here is a close-up...
Gotta LOVE those corduroy buttons! And can I say how much I LOVE Designer Series Paper?!'s "Buy Three, Get One FREE!!!!" still! A few more days left so take advantage!!! Thanks for stopping by and visiting!


Unknown said...

How cool, your daughter and I share a birthday! Tell her that Ms. Robin said to have a wonderful day!
BTW, left you a "gift" on my blog!

Megan said...

I love the color combo! The corduroy button looks so good on there! :)

Well YIPPEEEEEE!!!  Here we go with another Mini Stampin' Up! Artisan Design Team Hop!  Those of us that were assigned the STORYBOOK MOM...