Sunday, May 17, 2009

More Big Shot Fun...

Just wanted to share a few more projects with you from the meeting that were done with the Big Shot... These are all done with the Matchbox Die. I LOVE this thing! Such a fun box for so many things! I love the top Tic Tac holder. I LOVE that Designer Label frame. We saw something like this and I forgot about it! These are all done by my dear friend, Deborah Larsen. SO CUTE! Look at that little nail polish! LOVE IT! :)

How cute is this gift bag? :) I love it...and then with that big card. TOO cute! I am always amazed at people's creativity. Now...I'm not sure who's project this is, but I do love it! :)
Hope you enjoy! Thanks for visiting!


GINA said...

Love the little box with the nail polish in it. I think I am going to have to try it.

♥ Kristy Woods ♥ said...

awww these all look so fabulous well done Ashley.
Kristy xo

Jill said...

Super duper cute!!! I soooooo wish I had the big shot. sniff sniff.

Well YIPPEEEEEE!!!  Here we go with another Mini Stampin' Up! Artisan Design Team Hop!  Those of us that were assigned the STORYBOOK MOM...