Thursday, May 14, 2009

May Club...

Just wanted to share our club projects for the month! This has been a crazy week! I may have not posted much, but I have done a TON of stamping! I had to finish up all the samples I had to make for convention boards. Ok...I had to start and finish pretty much. :) But they are all done and almost packaged up and ready to be shipped out! I will share those later because I can't share those now. But I'll have a lot to share with you when I can! :) Hehe. On to this month's projects...

Since it's National Scrapbooking Month I thought I better do something scrapbook-y! :) So we did this 6x6 page...

For those that don't scrapbook...I wanted to make it something for them as well. So they had the option of turning that scrapbook page in to a card...
And then using the same stamp set and paper (Walk in the Park from the Mini catalog...ON SALE this month! Buy THREE get one FREE!!!!) we decorated this bag...
I have to admit....I really love this! I love making bags and stamping coordinating tissue paper! YES! You can stamp on tissue paper. :) Here is a close up of the tag and stamped tissue...
It was a lot of fun! Thanks gals for coming! :) And thank you for visiting!!!


Megan said...

I love your club projects! They are so fun...I will have to remember your 6x6 page for inspiration later. :)

Kasia said...

So So Cute! I love the page and the bag is awesome!

Well YIPPEEEEEE!!!  Here we go with another Mini Stampin' Up! Artisan Design Team Hop!  Those of us that were assigned the STORYBOOK MOM...