Saturday, May 16, 2009

Big Shot Fun..

Sorry I've been so quite this week. It's been a crazy one. I wanted to share a project I saw at the training meeting I went to a few weeks ago. We all got to bring projects we made with the Big Shot to share and enter into a challenge. I thought this one was so cute, but I don't know who made it so I can't give credit. I'm sorry! Tell me if you know who's it is and I'll give proper credit. :) On to the project... LOVE IT! Love the colors and everything. It's so cute! The side...

How fun would it be to put a little treat inside. A cookie like the one they have in the catalog or anything fun! :) Hope you enjoy! Thanks for visiting!

1 comment:

♥ Kristy Woods ♥ said...

Gorgeous, wish we got the big shot in Australian SU!

Well YIPPEEEEEE!!!  Here we go with another Mini Stampin' Up! Artisan Design Team Hop!  Those of us that were assigned the STORYBOOK MOM...