Monday, March 30, 2009

Wow Cards...

So I just posted the wow card I was taking to Hawaii. are two that I got back. I got a lot more back but the lighting was pretty much gone when I went to get these this is what I got. :) This first card is using faux leather technique. It's a really fun technique. This card was made by Wendy.
Just a close up of the faux leather technique...
Then this card was done by Melanie. I love the deep vibrant color of the dyed silk flower. (These are in the Pretties Kit.) And I love the creative way she used the Top Note die....and how the card opens.
Here is a better shot of how it opens....
Hope you enjoy these! Have a great night!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Today's the Last Day...

Just wanted to remind you that today is the LAST DAY for my Hawaii special! Send me your order by midnight to take advantage of it! Reminder: take 20% off your WHOLE ORDER or get 30% of your order BACK in FREE MERCHANDISE!!!! So place a $50.00 order and get a FREE SALE-A-BRATION stamp set and $15.00 shopping spree in the catalog!!!! (Or place a bigger order and get more free! :) )

Happy shopping! Email me by midnight Mountain Time! Let me know if you have any questions!

Thanks! I'll update you on my trip soon. :)

Friday, March 27, 2009

WOW Card?!?!

So I made a WOW card to take to the girl's that are in my group that earned Hawaii as well. I wasn't sure exactly what to do for a WOW! card, but hope this fits the bill. Turns out...took a LOT longer than I thought to make it. :) It's fun now, to see the final project. :) My fabulous downline, Megan, came to help me make these! THANK YOU MEGAN!!! :) I have to apologize for these pics. They aren't good and I didn't get a good pic of the inside. I'll have to take them again when I get back from Hawaii! :)
The front of the card. This ribbon is what keeps it close, so you actually untie it to open it.
The cover with the ribbon off. Can I say that I LOVE those Chocolate brads?!?!? :) YUMMY!

Then the WOW! comes on the inside. This is a version of a pop-up card. But I did NOT get a good pic of it. The bottom scallop is that cupcake again, just so you know. I'll get a better pic for you, but hopefully you get the idea. It's really a lot of fun inside! :) A stamped party, if you will! :)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Are you sick of these yet?!

One more accordion scrapbook to share. I still have the tutorial available to purchase HERE. But here is one with the Petal Party Simply Scrappin Kit. I wanted to keep it a bit generic. It could be used for anything girly! :) I love it!

The cover with and without the ribbon.

A few of the pages
Top view.
Enjoy! And again...don't forget about my HAWAII THANK YOU!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Treat Purse...

I saw a tutorial for this treat purse HERE. It was a great tutorial and I had to make it. Although I'm disappointed that I did not get a picture of it opened. Silly me. And I am scheduling these posts to post while I'm gone on my Hawaii trip. :) And I have to leave for the airport in about 5 hours from now and I haven't gone to sleep yet. :) So I'm not retaking any...sorry! But....I thought this seemed so fun and tropical and I was in a "mood" before I left. On to the purse.... Now I love the purse. Too cute. However, it bugged me how the top part kinda fell forward if you weren't holding the handles. So I made a litte closure for it and I just LOVE that part. (It's the Tempting Turquoise flap that folds over.) When I get home, I'll get the measurements for you if you are curious. But it was easy to add and just adds the perfect touch. Here's a bit of a better pic....
ENJOY! This was so quick and easy to make and SO MUCH FUN!!!! Don't forget about my HAWAII THANK YOU that is going on! You won't want to miss out on this one! :)

Sunday, March 22, 2009


I am leaving in just a few short hours for HAWAII!!!!! I have to say, I'm a bit excited. It's a FREE trip from Stampin' Up! that I earned. YEAH!'s the kicker....I earned this trip because SO MANY PEOPLE helped me along the way last year. So I HAVE TO SAY THANK YOU!!!!!
So for the week I am in Hawaii I will be offering a special deal to say THANK YOU!!! I think it's a great deal, if I do say so myself. :) From NOW until SATURDAY MARCH 28th (when I get back) you can take advantage of one of the following deals:
  1. Email me an order ( and take 20% off your WHOLE ORDER!!!! (***discount will be applied after shipping and handling and tax added.) Or place an order HERE on my website (click the shop now button in the upper right hand corner) and I will send you a rebate check for 20% of your order when I get back! Place a $50.00 order and receive a Sale-A-Bration product. (Receive one Sale-A-Bration product for every $50.00 increment of your order.) If your order is $150.00 or over you will STILL receive hostess benefits AND Sale-A-Bration benefits. (If you place your order online make sure you choose your Sale-A-Bration benefits!)


2. Email me an order ( and GET 30% OF YOUR ORDER BACK IN FREE PRODUCT!!!!!! For a $50.00 order and I will give you $15.00 IN FREE PRODUCT!!!!! PLUS get a Sale-A-Bration set!!!! a $150.00 order and get $45.00 IN FREE PRODUCT PLUS THREE SALE-A-BRATION SETS PLUS REGULAR HOSTESS BENEFITS!!!! Just send me your order via email and then let me know what free product you want with your order. Or place an order HERE and then email me your order for your free product and I will send it out when I get home. (If you place an order online make sure you choose your Sale-A-Bration benefits!)

So you can choose to get a 20% discount on your product OR get 30% back in free product. :) I just really wanted to think of a fun way to say thanks to everyone! Again....I would NOT be taking this trip if it wasn't for SO MANY OF YOU!!!! FYI....all emailed orders to me will be placed when I get home. STILL in time to take advantage of Sale-A-Bration!!!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Spring Card Making Night

It's TIME FOR ANOTHER CLASS! This time it is ALL about the cards! Come join us for a fabulous evening! We will be making TEN cards (envelopes included) for just $15.00!!!!! And YES...I know you are going to ask....if you can't come I have a kit to go for this! It comes with pictures of each cards, all the supplies to make them, and step-by-step instructions for each card. Here are a few pics of the cards:

DATE OF CLASS: Tuesday March 31st
Time: 6:30 pm
Place: My house in Kaysville, Utah
Cost: $15.00
Bring: Adhesive and Bone Folder if you have one
Expect: Snacks, FUN, specials for Attendees only
***BRING A FRIEND*** If you bring a friend that has never attended my classes, YOU and YOUR FRIEND will receive a FREE gift!!

RSVP BY MARCH 27th to attend!!!
Email with any questions.
You can pay below for the class or the kit to go. I am also offering the directions only that will be emailed to you. If you are attending the class, I will also accept payment that night as long as you email me to tell me you are coming! :)

Class Options

Friday, March 20, 2009

Make and Takes...

Just wanted to share the make and takes we did the other night at the meeting. I LOVED doing them. They are all so cute! First up...

Look at this DARLING score keeper holder for game night. I forgot to put the pencil in there, but there is suppose to be a pencil on the side of the notebook.

Fun decorated gift bag.
And here is a cute decor item. I LOVE this paper, colors, corduroy brads, LOVE it! :)

Just a close up! ENJOY! Sorry for the quick post. Just getting ready to go to HAWAII! :)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Look At These Cards I Got!!!

Here are the swap cards I received at the event I went to last Friday! Lucky me! :) ( card is in this group you have to see that again. Sorry!)
There are so many great ideas here. You will be seeing ideas from these cards in later projects...I am sure! By the way....on Sunday I am headed out to HAWAII!!!! Yes...I am SO EXCITED! My husband and I are going FREE!!! I earned this trip through Stampin' Up! I just still have to pinch myself to believe it. :) The reason I am telling you will want to make sure you visit my blog while I'm gone. :) Not only am I planning on setting up some posts to be displayed while I'm gone, but I will have a FABULOUS special during the week I'm gone to say THANK YOU to all my customers for helping me reach my Hawaii goal! :) Just wanted to give you a warning!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Swap Card...

This past Friday my 2nd level upline had a training. I LOVE these trainings. They are always so much fun and I get so many good ideas. And OF COURSE we swap! :) And OF COURSE we have fun make and takes! :) I will share with you more of those, but I'm first going to show you the card I made to swap. We always do full cards at these swaps, which is SO MUCH better! Anyway: I made a buckle card. I think you can see how to do it, but ask if you have questions! Here is the card...
And then here is a pic of it open...
These are super fun cards to make. Ladies in my club....I was thinking this would be a fun project to do in club?! Thoughts?! :) Anyway: enjoy! By the way....this stamp set I used and paper I used is in the mini that you can order from on April 1st. If you are on my mailing should be receiving that in the mail this weekish if you haven't already! Let me know if you want to be on my mailing list and I can send you out one! :)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

6x6 Accordion Scrapbook...once again!

Here is another 6x6 Accordion Scrapbook I made, using another Simply Scrappin' Kit! I told you I was obsessed. : ) These are so much fun to make! I have a tutorial available HERE if you want to learn how to make them! I think I've talked about these enough, so here you go....

The cover with and without the ribbon tied. I LOVE this Simply Scrappin' Kit. The colors are so much fun!
Just wanted to share a few of the finished pages.
And then here is the top view! I would love to see any you make! :) Hope you are having a great day!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Rising Star Memories...

I have a SUPER fun project to share with you. This one means a lot to me and I'm so excited to show you! I earned an amazing spot this year with Stampin' Up! I was #10 Rising Star in the whole company in the US. So for all the demo's that were in their first full year of being a demo, I was ranked #10. I got to go on this amazing trip last Sept to St. George Utah where they pampered all those that earned a spot in Founder's Circle and we just had a blast. was so amazing! Anyway: Tiffany Bauer was Rising Star #1. When we got to St. George for our trip and I met her, she gave all of the Rising Stars this amazing album....
Our requirement was that we had to make a 6x6 page for everyone, about ourselves, for this album. Ummmm...hello!!! OF COURSE I WOULD!!!! :) I was SO EXCITED and thought this album was super cute and I was SO EXCITED to have a 6x6 page of everyone else! HOW MUCH FUN! So...the other day I got all the pages back! Plus a few surprises. :) First surprise...Tiffany made everyone this page...
A fun group picture! When we took a picture on stage at convention, there were one or two that weren't there. So we got a big group picture, with Shelli, at Founder's Circle. head was a bit tucked behind someones. So look hard to find me! :) This first group of pages are rising stars #1-#5. In order it is: Tiffany (THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ORGANIZING THIS AND MAKING OUR ALBUM!!!!!), Ruth, Stacie, Julie, and Karen.
This next group of pages is the #6-#10 Rising Stars. In order: Susan, Pat, Denise, Sharon, and Ashley!!!! (That's ME!!! :) hehe)
Then this final group is #11-#15. In order: Joey, Carolyn, Robin, Rene, and Cherise.
Then when we got all our pages back, Tiffany ALSO gave us this FABULOUS chocolate treat...
HOW AMAZING IS SHE?!?!?!? THANK YOU TIFFANY! It was so much fun doing this and SO GREAT getting it back! I'm so thankful for all the memories and the fun keepsake this is. Can't wait to see most of you in HAWAII in a WEEK!!!! (Oh yeah....for most of us....on the way to earning Rising Star....we earned an ALL EXPENSE PAID trip to HAWAII for ONE WEEK!!! So we'll get together out there with all the other Stampin' Up demo's that earned it. We all get to take a guest too. FUN TIMES!!!!) Anyway: I'm so excited to share this with you today and hope you enjoy it too.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Stampin' Is Not Just For Cards Any More...

Why not make a game with your stampin' supplies?! I have seen some match games around, and finally remembered I wanted to try one. So I took Mr. Punchy Frog, some Rainbow Sherbet Designer Series Paper, and my Pun Fun stamp set and went to town. It was a lot of fun to make. Here is the cover and container for the game...
Just a close-up of Mr. Punchy Frog...
I made three of them...all using different Designer Series Paper so wanted to show them all to you. :)
Then here are the matches inside the tin. I still need to type up some directions to put on the left hand side of the tin...
Then here is a picture of all the matches. I just took each image in the Pun Fun set and made a set of them. All the matches...
I loved this project. I think I might make some more of these soon. :) It would be fun using any sort of stamp set you have around. Give it a try! :)

Saturday, March 14, 2009

March Club Time...

I'm not going to blab on this post...just show you the projects we just did for our March club. (Hey Megan! By the way....this post is for you....don't want to keep you waiting! :) ) So here you go....
I am loving these colors together. So Saffron, Bashful Blue, and Chocolate Chip. And I LOVE this "Flight of the Butterfly" stamp set. :)
This is a pop-up this is the inside. Stamps sets used: Inspired By Nature, Flight of the Butterfly.
This is the 3D project we did....a fun little basket with tag. These are so easy. I used a 6x6 piece of Designer Series Paper. Scored at 2" and 4" on each side. Cut on the 2" and 4" score lines, up to the first score line, on two opposite sides. Then just bring up the sides and secure together in the middle. Here....we secured with the new FABULOUS jumbo brads....the 5/16" size...
Then we used the REALLY JUMBO brads for the flower on the tag...
This flower is actually the big flower from Doodle This. I saw this somewhere and loved the look so have used it a few places since. :) You just cut out the big flower, put a dimensional in the middle, and bring in all the points on the flower. Then you have this super cute 3D flower. Love it! :) Hope you enjoy and hope this gives you some sort of inspiration to do something crafty today!!! :)

There's A New Hop In Town! Join the Piccadilly Players!

I am very excited to share that a NEW HOP! group has been formed!  Hopefully you are excited to hear about it!  Because it means more inspir...