Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Happy Together...

I told you I would be back later today with a project...and here I am! :) A little later than I the pictures aren't that great. Bad lighting. But I hope you can still see it because I'm loving this card...
Aren't those birdies just so stinking cute?! This is not a new stamp's in the current catalog and is being carried over to the NEW catalog starting TOMORROW! But this is the FIRST time I have used it! I can't believe it because I LOVE these birds! :) The set is called, "Happy Together" and it really does make me happy. I made this card first by just stamping the birdies on the Whisper White piece. As I was about to say "Ok, I'm done with this card" I looked at it one more time. I felt like it was too flat and thought it needed dimension somewhere. So I stamped the birds again, cut them out, and put them up on dimensionals over the ones I originally stamped. LOVE that little touch. Here is a close-up...
And then here is the FABULOUS bow with the FABULOUS 1/8" taffeta ribbon that will be in the new catalog. SERIOUSLY...can you GET any sweeter?! I LOVE this stuff!!!!
You may be asking what colors I used. Well...the card base is my FAVORITE blue...Marina Mist. Then you also have Cherry Cobbler, Old Olive, Crumb Cake, and Whisper White. Loving this color combo.
Anyway...hope you enjoy! Thanks for visiting! Would love to hear what you think so feel free to leave a comment! :)

Today is the LAST Day!!! AND a BONUS!!!!

I will have a new project to post later today...but wanted to remind everyone that TODAY IS THE LAST DAY to order from the current catalog!!!!!! So if there is anything you want...TODAY is the day to get it!!!! Call me or email me ( to place an order or go to my website... to place an order!!!!

***BONUS*** ANYONE that places an order with me today (FOR ANY DOLLAR AMOUNT) will go into a drawing for a FREE STAMP SET!!!! And what stamp set, you ask?!?! Well....I will be giving away this FABULOUS PUNCHED POSIES Level Two hostess set!!! This one is SO MUCH FUN!!! (And you can pick either Wood Mount or Clear!!!!) Here are the images in the stamp set...

So again....either call me, text me, email me, or go online to my website to place an order and have a chance to get this stamp set free!!!!! And ANY order amount gives you a chance to win! You will get one entry into the drawing for every $25.00 in merchandise ordered!!!!

Monday, June 28, 2010


Well I had ONE FABULOUS WEEKEND! I had a date with fabric, fabric, and MORE fabric!!! :) was a BLAST! I learned something new this weekend and I am SO EXCITED about it! I spent ALL DAY SATURDAY quilting!!!!! I got to go to this quilt event one of my upline's did. And I MADE A QUILT TOP!!!! I need to take it to a machine quilter to have it finished, but I thought I would still show you a picture of what it looks like now. Because I can't wait to show you!!!!! :) So no more delay' is the quilt top I made on Saturday...
HOW MUCH FUN IS THIS?!?! Don't you just LOVE this?!?! And I did it ALL BY MYSELF with the help of a sewing machine and my Big Shot!!! (And a few teachers to tell me what to do!!!! :) THANKS!!!!) Seriously though...let me tell you this...I DO NOT SEW!!!! Honestly...I DO NOT!!!!! This is all so (or SEW!!! hehe) new to me! I was a bit intimidated and it took me awhile to figure it all out. But I think my next one will go much faster. So IF I CAN DO THIS...believe me....ANYONE can! :) I am so in love with this thing and can't wait to see it all finished. The binding is going to be a chocolate brown and the back will be pink minkey fabric (that soft cuddly stuff). And let me tell you...the Big Shot is ONE AMAZING thing! Cutting out the scallop circles for the middle were a BREEZE cause it cuts through EIGHT layers of fabric at one time!!!! And if you could see my face right would know I am BEAMING and am so proud of myself for trying something new. :) Now I think I am addicted. hehe

Today I even played with a little more fabric. Fleece this time. I learned how to make these flowers last week and I have been dying to try it. So finally made myself try...
How cute are these? You just use a little thread, a needle, your Big Shot (and if you don't have one yet...uhhhhh...what are you waiting for?!?! YOU NEED ONE!!!!!!), the Circles #2 die, and a button. I HAD to use those Corduroy buttons that are ON SALE right now (AND on the LAST CHANCE list so you only have until Wed to order them!!!!) because they are FABULOUS! Here is a pic of each flower a bit more up close....
Aren't they so much fun?! And get need 5 each of the biggest circle and the next size circle to make this. Well...the Big Shot will cut them ALL OUT at ONE time!!!! All 5 layers of fleece went right on through it! I have to say...I'm in love. :)
Anyway...thanks for visiting and I hope you enjoy! Let me know your thoughts...I would love to hear them! :)

Friday, June 25, 2010

Awesome Money Holder...

I can't believe it's been so long since I have posted. I also can't even believe it's FRIDAY! This week has FLOWN by!!!! Seriously....if you told me it was only Tuesday today I would believe you. Crazy.'s graduation time/summer birthday party time/etc/ maybe you have to give someone money for a gift. If you do...why not give it to them in a cute money holder? I made this one and it was so fun and easy. Here it is...
I used the "Good Friend" stamp set (I AM GOING TO MISS THIS ONE!!! BOO-HOO!!!!) for the focal images. Then I used the "FYI" stamp set for the sentiment. These folders are SO EASY to make. I just cut a piece of Basic Gray textured cardstock to 7x9 inches. Then I put the 9" side at the top of my scorer and scored at 2 3/4" and 6 1/2". Then decorate!!!! Here are some close-up's...
After I made the whole thing, I spritzed it all with Shimmer Spray. Hopefully you can tell in the pics...but I realize you may not be able to. Trust me when I say it is subtly shimmery. I love that! :)
The color combo I used was Perfect Plum, Basic Gray, Wild Wasabi (MAKING IT'S RETURN ON JULY 1st!!!!), and Whisper White.
Then I just used some velcro to keep it closed and put the money in. I am planning on making some more of these. Once I figured out what I was was fairly quick to make. Oh...and I did use Sticky Strip on the sides to keep it all closed.
Thanks for visiting! Hope you enjoy!!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Boxed Note Card Set Tutorial Available...

I have received some requests for a tutorial on the project shown below that I posted about HERE.

Since this is a class I am offering, that people are paying to come to, I didn't want to just post the whole tutorial on my blog. However, I have decided I will offer people the option of purchasing just the tutorial. For just $4.95, I will email you the tutorial in PDF form that has all the measurements and directions for completing this box and all the note cards. Making it will be a breeze! :) Click on the PayPal link below to purchase. ***NOTE: if you are coming to this class or have purchased a Kit To Go than you WILL be receiving this tutorial for free of course! So don't pay for it again! :) I will email the tutorial within 24 hours of payment (most likely much quicker than that!!!) so make sure your email address is correct!

Thanks so much! Email me at if you have any questions or want to make arrangement for other forms of payment!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

A Little Old and a Little New...

As I have been cleaning out/organizing my stamp room and moving out some retired sets...I found a set that I am quite sad that is leaving us. I LOVE the set "Good Friend". I think it's so cheery and fun and just makes me smile! So I decided I needed to play with him a bit today. :) So I used a retiring stamp set (you have until JUNE 30TH TO GET IT BEFORE IT'S GONE!!) along with some new colors! I had quite a bit of fun with this...
I am LOVING the new Marina Mist blue! It's my FAVORITE blue EVER! :) So I stamped the bird in Marina Mist. Added some Early Espresso legs with a Cajun Craze beak. Then then for the wing...I did that with some Early Espresso cardstock I randomly stamped on and then sponged the edges. Popped up with a dimensional. The background I just stamped with different images in the stamp set using the same colors: Marina Mist, Cajun Craze, and Early Espresso. I also spritzed the background (as well as the bird and the greeting) with some Shimmer Spray. Here is a close-up that you can maybe see some of the sparkle...
And then most everything is up on dimensionals. I love the dimension it adds! :)
The card base is Sahara Sand textured. The Whisper White piece that the bird is adhered to is also textured cardstock. I LOVE textured cardstock! It adds such a fun addition to any project, with basically no effort! Oh..and although I used the color "Cajun Craze" to stamp some things, I ended up using "Dusty Durango" ribbon for the project. I think they blend very well together. And just FYI...all the stamps used to make this card are all from that "Good Friend" stamp set.
Thanks for visiting! Hope you enjoy and hope this little birdie brought you some joy today! :)

Friday, June 18, 2010

Floral Thanks...

Yesterday the card I shared had a "because I care" sentiment that was from the "Because I Care" NEW Hostess stamp set that will be available in July! I made a card using a few of the other stamps in that set...

I actually was not too big of a fan when I first saw this flower. Not really "my style" or something. But after using it...I'm quickly really liking it. It is quite fun and graphic. I'm bummed because the picture does NOT show how sparkly in real life. I sprayed some Shimmer Spray on it so it's all sparkly in real life! Here is a close up of the sentiment...
I colored the flowers in with Daffodil Delight (a NEW color!!!) and Pear Pizzazz (a NEW In Color!!!). Then card base is Rich Razzlberry with a Basic Black mat. The "thank you" sentiment is mounted on Rich Razzleberry textured cardstock. The "thank you" was punched out with the Oval punch and then I hand cut out the Basic Black mat it is on. The button is actually a So Saffron button with some linen thread.
Hope you enjoy! Thanks for visiting!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Because I Care...

I have NOT had much time for stamping these days! And WHY?! you might ask?! Well because I have been ORGANIZING my craft room and making room for NEW colors, NEW stamps, NEW cardstocks and paper and NEW accessories!!!!! Seriously...the new catalog is AMAZING and I can't wait to show you! As demo's...we can pre-order a selection of items before July...and so I have the new colors in my hands now. :) And "Because I Care" about you...I made a card today using some NEW colors! :) Here you go...

I used all five of the new core colors (Marina Mist, Cherry Cobbler, Cajun Craze, Daffodil Delight, and Early Espresso) and I LOVE them! I also used my new Crumb Cake (formerly Kraft) ink pad to do some sponging. I had a TON of fun with this card! Here are some close-up's...The background was embossing with the Perfect Polka Dots embossing folder and Big Shot. Then I used the Bitty Buttons, the Itty Bitty Bits stamp set, and the Punch Pack...all from the Summer Mini catalog. Then HOW TO DIE FOR is that Marina Mist 1/8" taffeta ribbon. I LOVE THIS STUFF!!!!!!!'s SO WONDERFUL!!! (Can you tell I am SO EXCITED?!??! :) ) more side close-up... I popped that last layer up on dimensionals. Oh...and the "Because I Care" sentiment is from a NEW hostess stamp set! :)

Thanks for visiting! I hope you enjoy!!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

June Club Time..

Wow! A week since I posted! I do apologize! My Mother-in-law came into town. She lives near Chicago, so we don't get to see them as much as we like. SO....I spent lots of time with her while she was here. Didn't have much time to post. BUT...I do have our club projects to share with you. Last Wednesday was our club day and I've said this before...but I LOVE our club days! We have a blast and I love my gals that come! (And we MISS the ones that can't come due to distance or other commitments!!!) But I wanted to share the projects we made with you. This one is our card that we did...
Happy Father's Day! I LOVE this grill set...think it is so stinking cute! :) I actually just copied this card from the Mini catalog. Instead of putting the tag on the box that they have it on, I just added it to a card. Why re-invent the wheel?!! :)

The background was done with the Textured Wheel. Just wheeled it across some Not Quite Navy cardstock. Love the bit of texture that adds. The technique we did on this page is called "Spotlighting." We stamped the whole image on Crumb Cake cardstock (formerly known as Kraft) and then stamped a portion of it again on Confetti White cardstock. Then we colored it in with pastels and a blender pen. Then punched out with a 1 3/8" circle punch and put on the stamped piece with dimensionals...
I thought the card was so much fun. :) Oh...and the colors are Not Quite Navy, Bashful Blue, Old Olive, and Real Red. And the tag was cut out using the Big Shot and the "Two Tags" die.
This next project is called a triangle box. You can make these a whole bunch of different sizes. This one we used a 4 1/4" x 11" piece of Crumb Cake. I think these boxes are SO much fun to make!!!! Here you go...
I LOVE this "Garden Whimsy" set! It's one of my faves. And since it's retiring at the end of this month (SO SAD!) I thought I would ink it up for my club gals. :) Here is a side view of the box...
We cut some slits in the side to tie the ribbon through. And added some Dazzling Diamonds as well. Then you just untie the ribbon at the top and put a treat inside! Here it is opened up...
Colors are Crumb Cake, Rich Razzleberry, Old Olive, Bashful Blue, and Basic Black. Fun combo! :) I hope you enjoyed these projects! Thanks for visiting!!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Notecard Set Card Class...

It's time for another class! YAY! I am excited about this next one! It's a fun box with 10 Notecards and Envelopes inside. All the notecards are made with Positively Prints Designer Series Paper. The Notecards are 3 1/2" x 5". Here is the box...
Then the lid opens like this...

And these are the cards that go inside the box. We will be making two each of five designs...
CLASS DATE: Tuesday June 22nd
TIME: 6:30 PM
PLACE: Ashley's House in Kaysville, Utah


RSVP BY Wednesday June 16th

YOU WILL RECEIVE: all supplies to make the box, all 10 of the cards, 10 envelopes, yummy snacks, and special deals for attendees only!!!!


CLASS ON THE GO KIT: If you are not able to attend the above listed time of this class, but are still interested in creating this project...there is an option for you. You may purchase it as a "Class on the Go" kit. It will come with all supplies needed to complete all of the projects! (Except adhesive.) Everything will be pre-punched for you! It will also come with full step-by-step instructions for each card. The price for this "Kit To Go" is $25.00. Add $3.00 if you need it shipped to you.

***BRING A FRIEND!!!!*** If you register a friend that has never come to a class will receive a FREE gift for YOU and YOUR FRIEND!

Please let me know if you have any questions!!! Also...just send me an email to register to attend the class or for the class to go kit!!!!

Look forward to seeing you!!!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Artisan Award Entry #10

Well this is it. The very last project that I submitted to the Artisan Award Contest. I have to say that this one pains my heart a bit. I LOVE this project and it is the one thing that I would want back the most. I want to make another one with pictures of all of us (I couldn't be in any of the photos I submitted so it could be a blind voting) but I just LOVE LOVE LOVE this. Kinda hurts my heart to see this project again. :) Oh well. Now YOU get to see it! YAY! :) is the project from the very front. There is more to it than meets the eye...however. :) Ahhhh...what a cute frame. :) This is actually a frame that is sold by Stampin' Up! It is in the Decor Elements brochure. It's a 12x12 frame and the cut out in the middle is 4x4. I love it like this lots...but again...more is coming so be patient. :) The flowers are all cut from the Flower Folds Die and the Big Shot. This is one of my most used dies. It is SO FABULOUS! Cuts fabric or anything you want. :) They are cut out of Melon Mambo textured cardstock and then sponged with Melon Mambo ink. Then in the middle are the Jumbo Grommets and a Summer Sun Corduroy button. (I AM SO GOING TO MISS THESE WHEN THEY ARE GONE!!!!) Then the leaves are actually cut out with a circle punch. (I just cut out a circle and then stick it back in the punch about 1/2 way and punch again to make the leaf shape...and it's a 1 3/4" circle punch.) They are Old Olive textured cardstock and sponged in Old Olive. The grass is hand cut out of Old Olive textured and sponged as well. Here's are some close-ups...

Those letters are cut out with the Timeless Type Big Shot alphabet in Melon Mambo. Then I put a layer of Crystal Effects over them to try. Trust me...these letters are SO COOL in real life! I LOVE THEM! :) you have seen the frame. Well now it's time for the little extra. :) See the ribbon on the right hand side of the picture...
And an ACCORDION SCRAPBOOK COMES OUT!!!! Are you serious?!?!? :) This is a GREAT way to showcase your photos from a special event while they are hanging on your wall! :) (I just have to admit I was kinda shocked I thought of this myself.) hang up the photo on the wall and it looks great just hanging. But for those you want to show a little more can open it up for them! So much fun....
And BOTH SIDES are decorated... Now you know that I couldn't just share those photos. I want you to see it all! :) So here are some more pics of each of the pages...

Aren't they SO much fun?! I seriously am SO thrilled with how it turned out. Oh...and the actual book is Chocolate Chip with some Chocolate Chip Designer Series Patterns paper on each page...sponged with Chocolate Chip ink. Oh...and here's a pic so you can see how deep the opening is...
I would say about an 1". I truly hope you have enjoyed seeing these projects. I had fun making them and sharing them with you! (I did NOT have fun finding out I didn't win however! :) ) I hope that they inspire you in some way to create something. I know it's great therapy for me! :)
Thanks for visiting and I REALLY hope you have enjoyed this project!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Artisan Award Entry #9

Here is my final card that submitted. Now...part of the reason I wanted to go for Artisan Award was because I wanted to stretch myself. I wanted to submit a variety of style and different ideas/techniques, etc. Well....I don't really ever stamp "vintage-y." I love how it's just not really my style. I wanted to try something for Artisan though that had a bit of a vintage feel. So here is what I did...
I have to be honest and say that I LOVE THIS CARD! I actually really wanted to put this under my pillow and cuddle with it or something at night. :) I know...I'm a dork. But just REALLY fall in love with something you have made...right?!?! :) And this is one of those things! I love all the details and just love everything about it. I started with Rich Razzleberry as the card base and then I stamped the "Medallion" stamp on the background of that so you would see it when I put the Vanilla piece over it. Then I stamped the Vanilla piece, and distressed the edges. Also curled up the corners using my bone folder and then just sponged away. I spritzed it with the Color Spritzer tool and a Chocolate Chip marker as well.

Here is a close-up of the focal point...
I cut out the scallop from the Pennant Banner die and the Big Shot. Then stamped the "friends" stamp once in Rich Razzleberry and punched it out with the 1 3/4" circle. Distressed that and then sponged and spritzed. Then I stamped the same stamp again on another Vanilla piece in Old Olive. Cut out the "F" and then sponged/spritzed that. Layered on the circle with dimensionals. Then I put that whole piece on the card with dimensionals.
Another close-up...
I did the same ribbon technique on this card as I did on the scrapbook page I already showed you. (Although I had made this card before that scrapbook page.) But I added a half-back pearl to the end of the ribbon.
And one more close-up...
Just the other side of the card with the greeting.
Ok...I only have ONE MORE project to show you and then you will have seen ALL of my Artisan projects! I'm kinda sad this is almost over! I had so much fun making these and I've had lots of fun showing them. I hope you enjoyed this project! (And all of them!!! :) ) Thanks for visiting!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Artisan Award Entry #8

Here is my 3rd and last scrapbook page entry for the Artisan Award. You could make either an 8x8 page, a 8.5x11 page, or 12x12 pages. I kept all mine 12x12. I LOVE this page! (Maybe because I just LOVE the pictures so much as well! :) ) But here you go...
There are quite a bit of details on this page. The large circle has paper piercing all around it. Those flowers took quite awhile with their detail (up-close pictures of those below), the title is all Crystal Effect-y and 3-D. The whole background page is sprayed with Shimmer Spray I made from the shimmer paints, etc. Here is the title...
Seriously...looks SO GOOD in real life! Glossy, 3-D, and just FUN! :) Then the "with all my" banner is made with the "With All My Heart" stamp set. Then there is a Chocolate Chip Corduroy button with the Melon Mambo ribbon inside. (Those Corduroy buttons are on the retiring list and ON SALE!!! Get them while you can! They are the BEST!!!! I am going to miss them like CRAZY!!!!) The background is stamped with the "I {heart} hearts" stamp set and then again...spritzed with shimmer spray. Sparkles so nicely in real life! :)
Here is a close-up of the flowers...

I used the Extra Large Fancy Flower punch for most of it (stamped with the stamp from "With All My Heart" first) and then the Pretty in Pink center is done with the 5-petal flower punch. I just adhered all the petals to the middle of the flower to make that and then put a Chocolate Chip brad in the middle. I used my bone folder to curl the petals, and also split them to give them some more dimension. I sponged everything as well. Here's a side view...
SO MUCH FUN! I LOVE LOVE LOVE these flowers! I WILL be making more like this for sure! :)
The journaling was fun. I just wrote it out and cut into strips...
Sponged the edges as well and then just altered them as I stuck them down with dimensionals. can kinda see the paper piercing on the circle from here as well.
I hope you have ENJOYED seeing my scrapbook pages! I had SO MUCH FUN scrapbooking! I REALLY am going to do more of this!!!! :) Thanks so much for visiting! And over the next 2 days....I'll share my LAST 2 projects!!!! AHHHHH!!!!!

Saying Hey Good Looking! With Golden Greenery Watercoloring!

Do you ever make a project and just love it so much you can't stop looking at it?!  I hope I am not alone, because those are my feelings...