Thursday, December 15, 2011


I am SO EXCITED about this! My friend texted me this morning to tell me some of my FAVE BUTTONS (the larger ones that have been in the past few mini's) were on the Clearance Rack this morning. She figured I already knew, but I didn't!!!! So as soon as I could...I jumped online and saw those fabulous buttons at an AMAZINGLY low price!!!! The quality of those buttons...for the price they were...yeah...let's just say I stocked up!!!! :) But then I saw a TON of amazing items! Even CURRENT punches in the old body style!!!! So I figured I better pass the info on!!!! Here are the details...

December 15, 2011-January 5, 2012

Nearly 200 new Clearance Rack items have been added to the Online Store at discounts up to 80 percent off retail--only while supplies last!

Other details:
  • Orders can include non-Clearance Rack items, as well.
  • The Clearance Rack Blitz includes old-body style punches - WOOHOO!
  • There is no minimum purchase required to participate in this promotion. (Just a minimum shipping of $6.95)
  • Qualifying Clearance Rack orders are eligible for hostess benefits.
  • Clearance Rack Blitz items are only available while supplies last. There are no refunds or exchanges on Clearance Rack items.
  • You may view Clearance Rack Blitz items in my ONLINE STORE
  • Deadline: Thursday, January 5, 2012; 11:50 PM (MT)

Online Store Viewing Tip:
to view all Clearance Rack items at once...look on the right where is says "Show: 8", click the drop down arrow and select ALL.

Just hop onto my online store to place or order. If you need some help...feel free to email me your order as well and I will help you!!!

Thanks! Let me know if you have any questions!

Girly Fun Galore...

I mentioned that I have used this Invitation stamp set a few times since I received it just a few weeks ago. is another thing I did with it. Our friend's daughter has a birthday in the beginning of December. My friend was going to *GASP!!!!* PURCHASE the invitations for her daughter's birthday party! I couldn't have that! :) So I made some for her. The girl has 4 brothers and no I wanted something fun and girly just for her. This is what I ended up making...

I have to admit. I am pretty much in love with how these came together. I think it is the girly color combo that I love myself! :) Wisteria Wonder, Melon Mambo, Lucky Limeade. LOVE the bright colors with the bling of the Rhinestones! Anyway...I used the hostess only paper that is my FAVORITE of all time!!!! It's called Cheerful Treat I believe. And then used a retired stamp set (along with the Invitation stamp set) that I don't think I will ever get rid of! Love the bold images! Then just made a pocket card for the invite info. Here are a few close-up's...
Here is the invite portion with the pocket card portion...
And then just the invite part...Hope you enjoy! Thanks for visiting!!!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Christmas Decor...

I have this white dish on my kitchen table that I usually have a vase of flowers in. Well...I need something Christmas-y since the rest of my house is decked out. :) But I wanted to make something, of course, since I was sure I had the supplies to do something fun. I decided to make some decorative balls in holiday colors. I did use all retired ribbon for this project...but any ribbon you have would work. Here is a picture of them...

And a closer picture...And more pics to follow. But just quickly how I did it...these are just wrapped Styrofoam balls. I cut ribbon long enough to go around the ball. And then would just pin the ribbon on one end of the ball. (The same end for all the ribbon pieces.) Once I had one ribbon down, went on to another ribbon piece. And just kept going around the ball until they were covered. I like some balls more than others. I want to try this with fabric also. I have NO idea how many ribbon pieces I used. It varied depending on the width of the ribbon. You don't want to use too thick of ribbon or it will get all weird. are some more pics...
Hope you enjoy! Thanks so much for visiting!!!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

A Quick and Simple Christmas Invite...

I love this time of year! Lots of fun gatherings and events are in abundance! So who doesn't need a fun Christmas invite?! Here is one idea for you that is very quick and simple, but very cute. Thanks again Mr. Big Shot! :) ...

How fun is this stocking invite?! Now...I say it's an invite. But hello! It could be so much more! Use it as Christmas decor, ornaments on the tree, a tag for a Christmas package, etc, etc. I used the Stocking die and some paper from last year. So will have to substitute the paper if you don't have any of this fun flocked paper. (The white is all fuzzy and fun. It makes a very touchy feely element. :) ) Here is a close-up of the front focal point...I love this stamp. It's from the Perfect Punches (I think that's the name) set. So of course...I had to use my punches! :) And a sticky Rhinestone. :) Here is a side view so you can see the layers...

I just stamped the images a few times in a few different colors. (Chocolate Chip, Real Red, and Lucky Limeade. LOVING this color combo this year!!!!)

And then the simple invite part...I just stamped on the back...I used the inviting set that was just on sale during the Thanksgiving Online Extravaganza. Sorry if you didn't get that one then. I have only had it for about a week and have already used it for a few things. So it still is a great one to get...even if you didn't get it on sale. :) All I did was stamp this on the back. Then I just filled out the info and delivered. Oh...I used the retired stretch silver cording as well so they could just be hung on the front door if need be. You could use Baker's Twine or whatever if you don't have that.

Thanks for visiting! I hope you enjoy!!! I also hope you are having a fabulous Christmas season!!!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Turkey Day...

We went to my parents house for Thanksgiving this year. We had a great time! But of course...I had to help with the Thanksgiving table. I made some fun name cards for the table. Can you spot Ashley the Turkey on this table?!...

Here is a close-up...
And a side view...
A fellow demo friend of mine, Candace, showed me a larger version of this turkey a few weeks ago. She's very clever and a great designer. I fell in love and just HAD to make some for the Thanksgiving table I was going to be at. :) These were fairly quick to make using my Simply Scored board that I LOVE and my Big Shot that I LOVE as well!!!!! And it added a fun festive feel to the table. I also used my Big Shot to add another festive touch. We made a "Thankful" tree. My mom got some branches and I cut out some leaves in a variety of fall colors. We all wrote things we were thankful for on the leaves and then tied them to all the branches. My photo of this is a bit fuzzy but so you get the idea...And a close-up...
We had a great Thanksgiving and I loved using my Stampin' Up! supplies to add to the Thankful feel of the holiday! I hope you all had a fabulous holiday and are looking forward to a wonderful Christmas holiday! Thanks for visiting! Hope you enjoy!

Grateful Fun...

Meant to get this posted before Thanksgiving. Don't know where time goes!!! Just wanted to share this wreath I made for the Thanksgiving season. I know it's a little late...but I am sure you could use this idea for any other season or time of year! :) So here you go...

I took a ribbon wreath and wrapped it with the fabulous 1 1/4" striped ribbon. This stuff is thick so it really doesn't take too long to wrap the wreath. Or really much ribbon. I am guessing I used about 1/2 of a roll. Maybe less. Then I made some fun paper flowers. These were made with different size circles I cut with my Big Shot. Then you spritz them with water to get them a bit damp. Take your bone folder and twist it in the center, and it will make a flower bud type thing. Make as many as you want to make a flower sized how you want. I think I did 6 for these flowers. Then make the fun center, and I hot glued it all to another circle. Then just hot glue them to the wreath. Here is a close-up...
I LOVE this Designer Series Paper so had to make a card with it as well. These wreaths would be a fun gift for anyone that you are thankful for. And you need a coordinating card...
So that is the card I made. Hope you enjoy! Thanks for visiting!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Button, Button Fun!!!

I wanted to share a fun silver tin I made at a Convention class I went to. We used the "Button, Button" set which is one of my FAVORITE'S!!!! :) So here you go...

That band is a belly band that just slides right off so that you can open it up and use these sweet tags...Isn't this so fun?! I am not sure who designed this project for us to make but I LOVED making it!!! Hope you enjoy it too! Thanks for visiting!!!!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

November Club Projects...

YIKES! Where is November going?! I have to's FLYING by!!!! Yesterday was our club day. I had a blast with my gals and they seemed to enjoy the projects. :) (Which is my goal so always hoping that one happens! :) ) Here is a Christmas card we made this month. It has a fun 3D Christmas tree made with the Perfect Pennant stamp set and the Pennant Punch...
The Designer Series Paper is from the Christmas Lane Simply Scrappin' Kit. I am LOVING that paper so I had to buy some of those kits to use on some fun projects this year! And see that fun tree?! LOVE it. Here is a close-up of the tree before it was put on the card...

Love the dimension it adds. And then we also made this 3D project...

We learned how to make this box at Convention this past July. I fell in love with it and have been dying to make it ever since. :) It's made with two Milk Carton dies! SO PRECIOUS! The one they showed at convention had holes poked in the top and were tied closed with some Baker's Twine. But when I went to close mine and just pushed the top stays just fine. So now it's easy to open and pop your gift in and close. Then easy for the receiver to open and close as well!!!! And the Designer Series Paper is also from the Christmas Lane Simply Scrappin' Kit. Images are from the Jolly Bingo Bits stamp set! (SO NOT JUST FOR BINGO CARDS!!!! :) LOVE those images!!!!)

And stamp club gals...I will be sending out your step-by-step directions for these projects today! So for you long distance club members that weren't there last you will know how to make these projects when you receive them with your order! And for you gals that were there last you can remember how you made them! :)

Thanks for visiting! Hope you enjoy!!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween Fun..

A little late...I get it! But wanted to share some Halloween fun with you! I am the room mom for my daughter's Kindergarten class so I got to plan the Halloween party! We had fun! Forgot to take some pictures of some of the things...but do have pictures of part of it. Oh shoot. Just remembered I forgot to take a pic of the favor I did for the other mom helper's and the teacher. They were a decorated white craft bag...using the Frightful Sight Designer Series Paper and Batty For You stamp set. With candy bars inside. I did take a pic of the treat I made for the bus drivers. (She has takes her to school and a different one brings her home.) I actually forgot to make these the night before her Halloween I had to hurry and pull something together in about 5 mins before we left for the bus. So these leave a little to be desired. :) But here you go...

Using that fabulous "Batty For You" set for the tag, some ribbon, and a large cello have some festive candy! Although I have to admit it is driving me BATTY that the Starburst is upside down! :)

Next about a cute drink for your kiddos for a Halloween party?! It's a drink box I just wrapped with some white electrical tape and added some googlie eyes...

I saw these online somewhere and I about died! I HAD to make them! They are TOO CUTE!!! :)

And I know it was a Kindergarten party...but I had to make some centerpieces for the tables. So this is what I did...
Some fun lollies, rosettes, whatever you want to call them!!!! Turned some into pumpkins and some into ghosts and VOILA!!! A fun centerpiece!!! :)

I made some favors for the kiddos as well. Used the WONDERFUL 1"x8" cellos from the holiday mini and made these...

There were quite a few more in the box before I gave them all out! But sorry I forgot to get a pic of them then! And of course I had to decorate the box to take them in! :) Here is a pic of just the pencils with a pair of fangs I gave them all...

And then my fave part of Halloween this year...dressing up TWO KIDDOS for the festivities!!! We had two ladybugs at our house this year!!!!! And just had to throw this last one in there. My hubby chuckles every time he sees me take a self-portrait with one of the kids. He says, "What?! Is that the only way you can get a photo with our kids?!" cause I always give him a hard time about never picking up the camera to take a picture of me WITH the kids! I am always behind the camera taking pictures of them or him with them. :) We are working on it! But for is the self-portrait...

I hope you all had a GREAT Halloween! Can't believe it's almost THANKSGIVING and then CHRISTMAS!!!! Time FLIES!!!! Thanks for visiting! Hope you enjoy!!!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Walk With Me Down Christmas Lane...

It's CLASS TIME AGAIN!!!! I am SO EXCITED to be offering you this fun Christmas class!!! For this class we are going to be focusing on the DARLING Christmas Lane Simply Scrappin' Kit!!! This kit is just so much fun...LOVE the color combo and the fun images...and I know you will love it too!!! And you may be thinking...a scrapbooking kit...hmmmmm. Well you have an option in this class to make 24 cards and envelopes OR a complete 20-page 6x6 scrapbook with coordinating album!!!! Can't decide between the two?! DO BOTH!!!! :)

The card option includes these 24 cards (envelopes are included!!!)...

Here is a close-up of a few of the cards...

How cute are they?! They others are just as cute!!! The cost to make ALL 24 cards and envelopes is just $28.00!!! Each card will be unique so you will have 24 different cards to mail out this holiday season. Even better...I have designed all of these cards to be EASILY MAILABLE!!!! You can pop them in their envelopes and ship them on out with NO EXTRA postage!!!

The 6x6 scrapbook option includes this scrapbook...

Filled with 20 6x6 pages!!!! ...
Here is a close-up of a few of the layouts...The cost of the scrapbooking option is just $30.00!!! That INCLUDES all supplies needed to do the 20 pages AND the coordinating 6x6 album and page protectors!!!

Now if you are IN LOVE with both and just can't can DO BOTH!!! If you want to do BOTH the CARD MAKING option AND the 6x6 scrapbook option...PAY JUST $52.00!!! That is a savings of $6.00!!!

Here are all the class details...

DATE: Wednesday November 2nd
TIME: 6:30pm
PLACE: My House in Kaysville, Utah

CLASS REGISTRATION FEE: $28.00 for the Card option or $30.00 for the 6x6 Scrapbook option OR $52.00 for BOTH!!!

RSVP by Friday October 28th

You will receive all the supplies needed for whatever option you register for. The only thing you need to bring is your adhesive!!!


Class On The Go Kit: If you live to far away to attend the class or just can't make it that night, feel free to register for my CLASS ON THE GO option!!! It will come with all the supplies needed to complete whatever option you register for. (Or for both options if you register for both!) I will also provide step-by-step instructions for you to be able to complete the projects with ease!!! The price for the kit is the same as if you attended...just add $5.00 if you need it shipped to you!

***BRING A FRIEND: If you register a friend that I have never met will receive a FREE GIFT for YOU AND YOUR FRIEND!!!!

Please let me know if you have any questions!!! Just call/email/text to RSVP for the class!!

Ashley Van Camp

Team Meeting Swap...

A bit over a week ago we had a big team training meeting that my upline put on. It was a fabulous event and I have a few things to show you from the event this week. OF COURSE there was swapping involved. Today I am going to show you my swap. We always swap full cards (often times swaps will just be a card front but with our group we always do full cards that open) and I love that! I was in a "fall" mode so this is the card I made...

This was a quick card to make. The colors I used: Soft Suede, Pool Party, More Mustard, Very Vanilla. I just used the colors from the Spice Cake Designer Series Paper...since that is what I was using on my card. Stamped a few leaves from the Gently Falling set, scallop the card edge, and there you go. :) Here are a few close-up's of the details...

The greeting is actually stamped on the inside of the card. I cut about an inch off the front of the card, and then scalloped the edge. This let me stamp the greeting on the front. This was a fun card to make! Hope you enjoy! Thanks for visiting!!!

Saying Hey Good Looking! With Golden Greenery Watercoloring!

Do you ever make a project and just love it so much you can't stop looking at it?!  I hope I am not alone, because those are my feelings...