Friday, July 31, 2015

Oohh La La!! It's a Paris Birthday...

It was a big birthday for my good friend this year.  She always said she wanted to wake up in Paris on this particular birthday.  Since they weren't in actual Paris for her birthday...I tried to make her feel like she was!  When her husband took her away for the night, her daughters and I set up Paris!  :-)  Ready for picture overload and want to see what I did?!

When you first walk in, I set up a little "Cafe de Paris" table.  Here is the table itself...

I used the (retired...boooo hooooo!) My Digital Studio program to make the little framed Paris artwork around the room.  Just trying to get the message across that she was in Paris.  :-)  Then I spray painted a bunch of vases, and made tissue paper flowers for most of them.  But I did love this little feature I did in one of them...

(Saw the idea on Pinterest and made sure I did it! :-) ) Then the mirror/dresser in her room got a little makeover...

When the (retired again...boooo hoooo!) Chalkboard banners when on 1/2 off sale during the retiring list promotion (sorry they are no longer available...hope you bought some!), I stocked up!  I LOVE them and they make it so easy to make some fun decor for any party or celebration.  It went perfectly with my theme, so just used two of the pink banners that came with the kit and the chalkboard ones to spell out "bonjour".  Here is a close-up...

Before I hung it, I tried to get some up-close pics of some details...

(Love the poof flower with the gold Satin ribbon and pink sequins in between the letters!)

Then a little more signage and flowers...

Her bed was fun.  Was so grateful her bedspread went with my Paris theme!  :-) 

Just made her a little Paris themed gift box, which was super fun!  (Shout out to my awesome cousin!  She has some famously wonderful cupcake shops, "The Sweet Tooth Fairy" where she also sells other fabulous treats.  When I couldn't find any French macarons around, she came to my rescue!)  

The quick card I made to coordinate...

Are you still with me?!  (I told you it was a bit picture overload.  Maybe I should of broken this post up!)

I also set up a little "Cafe de Paris" table...

The star of the show (that doesn't look near as dynamic in person) was a 6' x 9' backdrop of Paris.  It seriously was huge and hard to manage.  I had to build a cardboard piece that big so I could have something for the plastic backdrop to go on to.  It was pretty cool, when it was all done...

It just isn't that great of a pic, but it was 6' tall and 9' wide.  I should of taken a pic in front of it so you could see the scale of this thing.  

I also had a few wreaths hanging in the room...

Then just a few little pieces of decor floating around...

It was so much fun to do!  I hope you enjoyed seeing a bit of it!  Let me know if you have any questions:  


Stephanie said...

You, my friend, are on fire! You continually A.M.A.Z.E. me. Just amazing. I have no words. I am in awe. :)

Jennifer said...

OHMYGOODNESS!!!!!! Your friend must have cried she was so HAPPY!!! ;) What a lucky girl! I have never seen so much time, thoughtfulness, and love go into a present-so, so SPECIAL!!!!

Thank you for taking the time to share!

Crafty hugs,

partridgelu at yahoo dot com

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