Monday, February 27, 2012

Send Me Soaring Mini Card Box...

I really liked the kite set, "Send Me Soaring", in the Mini Catalog when I saw it. However...I didn't know if I would use it enough. Then we used it at the San Antonio Regional event I went to and I totally fell in love. They showed us clever ways to use the set for more than just kites. So I had to have it by the time I got home. :) I am so glad I got it because I LOVE it! I made this whole mini card set with that stamp set. And this card box is one they showed us how to make at the Leadership event I was at before the Regional. :) (These are all just Stampin' Up! Events that we have the opportunity to attend as demonstrators.) I will show you how I made the box in the photos below. I also have a really fun and cool trick for you if you want to keep reading. For is my card set...
Seriously HOW CUTE?! I think so anyway! :) Now...I should of taken a picture of this project next to something so you could see the size. They are TINY cards. 2 1/8"x 2 1/8" is how big the cards are. :) Perfect for a little tag for a gift or when you just need a quick message for someone. And I am going to make envelopes for them when I get the Diagonal Score Plate for the Simply Scored! (YES!!! That's right....we will have a DIAGONAL plate to buy that will go right over the Simply Scored board soon that helps when scoring diagonally!!! More details to follow! :) ) But back to this is a picture of the cards in the box...

Doesn't that look so much fun. :) This project is using the new In Colors from this year. Which just happen to all be included in the Sweet Shoppe Product Suite in the mini. So those are the colors I did this project with. And any Designer Paper you see is the Sweet Shoppe paper as well. LOVE LOVE this stuff!
Now here are some pics of the cards up close...
Love using the kite just as a kite. :) Think it's adorable! And sorry about that saying on the card. Looks totally crooked! They all do in my photos! Don't know what happened there. :) So just ignore that! :) But this kite I just colored with markers, stamped on Whisper White, cut it out, and then dimensionaled it up on the card. Everything else should be pretty self-explanatory. Oh...and yes...I used the Color Spritzer for the markers all over this project! I have been using that tool like crazy. Again...if you don't own this need to!!! If you do own it...use it if you haven' t for awhile! LOVE what it adds to a project! :)
Now this card is made still using the kite set. But this time I stamped the polka dot kite onto Wisteria Wonder cardstock with Wisteria Wonder ink three times. Then took the small heart punch and punched out a heart from each of the kites. Fun...right?! :) This card is super fun too. Back to using the kite for a kite. :) Love that little bowed string as well. But notice the line stamp on the left side of the card next to the ribbon?! Anyone guess what that is from?! That is from the "In Stitches" wheel!!!! I have a little trick below to show you how I use my wheel! :) So keep's AWESOME and I am going to do this lots now! But have to show you the last card up close first...

This is another one that I stamped the kite three times and punched out the middle to get a different image other than the kite. How fun, right?! :) And then that zig zag border...yup! You guessed it!!!! It's from the "In Stitches" wheel again! :) Use this "wheel" lots more now. Will show you what I did to it below...but first let me show you how I made the box. I cut out a Scallop Square from the Scallop Square die. Then using my Simply Scored tool I scored three scallops in on two of the sides and then two scallops in on the other two sides. Then cut in to first score line. See this photo to see what that all looks like...
Then just fold together and adhere to make a box. How much fun! It would be a fun box to put little treats in and just wrap in cello for a little favor or whatever! :)

NOW...time to show you what I did to my "In Stitches" wheel...huh?! I think you will like it. Here is a photo so hopefully you can tell...
I UNMOUNTED my wheel and made a stamp set out of it!!!! All you need is a wheel of your choice and the Clear Mount Cling Foam. (Item 124236 $10.95 for 2 sheets of foam) This is how I did it....first I took the wheel and with my hobby blade cut at the seam of the wheel. You can easily see where that is if you just look at your wheel. Then you just peel it off the wheel base (comes off easily after that seam is cut) and you have a straight strip of rubber. Then I just cut a piece of the foam the same size as the rubber. And peeled off the adhesive side of the foam and stuck the rubber on. Then I just cut into the different design strips, as you can see above. Then I just stored in a clear-mount case. I am going to make my own label for the front of it also so I know what's inside. It was SO EASY and MAYBE took 5 minutes to do! And the best thing...the wheel only costs $8.50! So have a stamp set for $8.50 plus the cost of foam. Which I have LOTS more foam for more wheels so the cost was minimal for that! And then just take it out of the case, mount it on your clear block, and stamp away. Here is a photo of me stamping with it...SO EASY and fun!!!! Hope you enjoy and hopes this makes sense! If you have any more questions just let me know! Would love to hear from you. Thanks so much for visiting! Hope you like the project!!!

1 comment:

DawnKathleen said...

Love this project! Thanks so much for sharing your awesome creativity!

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