Monday, September 17, 2012

Happy 60th Daddy...

We just got back from a fun week away.  (I was the 2nd week of school for my Kylie...didn't we all need a break?! :) Hee hee)  We rented a house down in St. George (about 4 1/2 hours the southern part of Utah) with my family to just have some time all together.  My newlywed brother and his wife and my college brother were only able to be there for one of the weekends we were there.  My oldest brother and his family (wife and 6 kids), my parents, and my family were able to be there all 9 days!!!  It was WONDERFUL!  My 6 year old had a BLAST with her cousins and the AMAZING backyard set-up.  (There was a pool, a putting green, a swing set...that was barely used because of previously mentioned pool, etc.) 

(Look at my CUTIE! parents!!!) Dad turns 60 on the 24th of this month.  So while we were all going to be together...I wanted to throw him a surprise Birthday party to celebrate!  So the first Sunday we were there...celebrate we did!!!!  It wasn't the easiest party to throw...considering we were all staying at the same house, I was out of town and didn't know the set-up of the house until I got there the night before, and EVERYTHING had to prepped and ready before I left so I wouldn't forget anything!  But the party went great, the set-up was fun, and although I didn't go quite as crazy as I normally was crazy enough!  :)  So on to the stamping part of this post...the party.  It was cowboy themed. dad isn't a cowboy. But he has ALWAYS wanted to be one!  So I thought it was fitting!  And this was the door he got to walk through...

Don't know if you can totally tell...but it looks like one of those old time Saloon doors!  Gotta love party stores!  :)  (Truly...I DO love party stores!  Could walk around them for HOURS AND HOURS if ever given the chance!  :) ) 

Then when you first walk out you see...

Sorry this picture didn't come out so well.  (Dang sunlight!  :) )  But this was the table that greeted everyone.  It was "the Watering Hole", if you will.  I was rushing around right before we surprised him so I didn't get a chance to get the best photos.  So this is the only picture I have of the pennant banner I made with the now retired old Pennant die.  (That I will NEVER get rid of because I LOVE IT!!!  Hope you have it!!!) Sorry I didn't get an up-close pic...but it was really cute.  :)  And then the center of the table had a fun cowboy boots picture, some hay, IBC rootbeer, our plates and silverware, and a "60 sucks" gift for my dad (that I didn't even get an up-close picture of!) that was a basket of 60 suckers.  (Hee hee...thanks Pinterest!!! Saw that idea a long time ago and have just been waiting for this day to use it!!  Hee hee.)  Here are some more close-up pictures...


LOOK AT THE FUN SILVERWARE!  :)  Love that cowboy.  ('s a retired stamp set.)  I got this idea to wrap the silverware in the napkin from an AMAZING birthday party I went to a few weeks ago...thanks, Heather!  :)

Then here is a shot of the food table not quite together with everything yet...
I know...far away. are some close-up's...

The chalkboard signs I made with the retired Chalkboard vinyl were a fun touch.  SO EASY to make with some Designer Series Paper in the frame, my Big Shot to cut out the ovals to put on the glass of the frame, a few punches, a stamp, and retired rope ribbon.  (Should of taken a close-up of just the frame...sorry!  Hopefully you can tell how cute they are!  :)  )  Then just use a chalkboard marker to write all the food names on them!  LOVE the details! 

Then for their favor...I set up a candy station with treat boxes for them to fill up...

The sign on this station says, "Grub to Go".  I thought that sounded more cowboy than "Candy Bar" or "Candy Station" or something like that.  :)

Also had a photo booth.  Nothing super crafty here.  (Just some mustaches hot glued on to a skewer)  But here is a pic of the kiddos in their get-up...

Aren't they cute?!?!  :)

I wish I would of taken a pic of the whole thing all together because it was so cute.  I had balloons hanging around also.  (With a marble in the bottom so they would stay hanging down...thanks again Pinterest!  :) )  I just didn't get enough photos.  Here is one with some of the balloons though...

Can't miss a Big Birthday Cheer for my AMAZING Daddy!  (And look in the bottom left corner...that's the "60 sucks" sign in the basket of suckers.  :) )  Being the only girl with 3 brothers...I definitely am a Daddy's girl!  (Not to say that I am not a Mommy's girl also!  :) )  HAPPY 60th Daddy!!!! 

Hope you enjoyed this party!  :)  Wish everyone could of been there!  Thanks for visiting!!!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

A Little Thank You...

Wanted to share a card with you that I made awhile ago.  The main focal flower image was from a special Stampin' Up! did that is now over.  So hopefully you have the set and can make this card as is.  :)  Or if you don't...switch out the layout with any other flower you have and I am sure it will still look fabulous!  :)  Here is the card...

I also used the stamp set, Everything Eleanor, for the other stamped images you see.  The color combo is Crumb Cake, Pool Party, Rose Red, and Old Olive.  So fun and fresh looking.  Love the large pearls on the accent element the flowers are on.  Then that paper that is under the Rose Red banner piece?!  That is from the fabulous specialty pack called, "Natural Composition."  The pieces all look embossed and fabulous.  Here is a close-up where you can see it better...
See how shiny it is?!  It creates some fun texture with the raised and shiny images.  Here is a close-up of the focal point as well...
Hope you enjoy this card!  Thanks for visiting! 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Add a Little Purse Flair...

PHEW!!!! Take a deep breath, Ashley.  Life has been SOOOOOO busy lately!!!!!  My BABY started 1st grade this past week!!!!  Make me cry!!!  (And I have...lots!!!)  Why don't people tell you that time goes by SOOOOO fast?!??!  (Ok....they do....all the just don't believe it until it's happening to you!!!)  She loves school...but mama struggles.  There is an almost 5 year gap between my two Kylie has been my BUDDY for years!  (And will continue to be...of course...just don't get as much time with her! :-( )  We would pal around together everywhere.  And now....she is gone SEVEN hours A DAY!!!!  Her little sister and I miss her terribly!!!  But we also decided to plan a family vacation and we planned it during the 2nd week of school.  And we are taking family pictures while we are gone.  SOOOOO...had to get ready for school, and vacation, and starting all of Kylie's activities for the school year (dance, tumbling, soccer) and family pictures...on TOP of everything else happening in life!  It's just been hectic and crazy, after a hectic and crazy summer.  I guess the good thing is after vacation we can get into a schedule.  But anyway...been hard to find a time to breathe these days.  :)  But here is my baby getting on the bus this year....

Isn't she gorgeous?!?!?  :)  

But after ALL THAT RAMBLING...I DO have a crafty project for you!!!!

One day I decided one of my purses needed some new flair added to it.  So...BIG SHOT and Stampin' Up! fabric to the RESCUE!!!!  I used the Scallop Circle Dies (the big scallop and the the Scallop #2 die) and made this...

See that big pink scallop in the top left of the purse?!  Yeah...that's what I made.  :)  Isn't that FUN?!  Just adds a fun pop of color.  And you could make LOTS of them to coordinate with any outfit you have!  It's fun being a girl sometimes, isn't it?!  :)  Here is a close-up...
I just cut out 4 scallops of both sizes that I used.  Then I folded them into quarters, and hot glued them onto a scallop I cut out of some felt.  Then added a large button that is now retired (but maybe it will end up on the Clearance Rack someday...I always check out that place!)

I just hot glued a pin to the back and added a felt strip over it to secure it even more.  Here is a pic of that...
It was so easy and so much fun!  Go make some yourself and let me know how they turn out!!!!  :)

Thanks for visiting!  I hope you enjoy this project!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Incentive Pillow Gift Time...

The BEST part of any Stampin' Up! incentive trip (ok....just ONE of the's all amazing!) is the pillow gift surprises each night.  Brandi was SO SWEET to carry on this tradition!!!!  When we got to our actual hotel room during our incentive trip (quite late I might add)....look what we had waiting for us...

 Look at that DARLING basket!!!  Filled with YUMMY treats!!!  And our own PERSONALIZED name frame!!!!  LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!!  Here is an picture of just the frame...

How fun!  :)  And here is my roommate, Heather's, frame...

 And here are us smiley girls with our fun gift...

(sorry I am a little blurry in this photo...)

 And HOW CUTE is Heather?! I LOVE her!  :)

Thanks SO MUCH for visiting!  Hope you enjoy!!!!

Saying Hey Good Looking! With Golden Greenery Watercoloring!

Do you ever make a project and just love it so much you can't stop looking at it?!  I hope I am not alone, because those are my feelings...