Saturday, December 3, 2011

Turkey Day...

We went to my parents house for Thanksgiving this year. We had a great time! But of course...I had to help with the Thanksgiving table. I made some fun name cards for the table. Can you spot Ashley the Turkey on this table?!...

Here is a close-up...
And a side view...
A fellow demo friend of mine, Candace, showed me a larger version of this turkey a few weeks ago. She's very clever and a great designer. I fell in love and just HAD to make some for the Thanksgiving table I was going to be at. :) These were fairly quick to make using my Simply Scored board that I LOVE and my Big Shot that I LOVE as well!!!!! And it added a fun festive feel to the table. I also used my Big Shot to add another festive touch. We made a "Thankful" tree. My mom got some branches and I cut out some leaves in a variety of fall colors. We all wrote things we were thankful for on the leaves and then tied them to all the branches. My photo of this is a bit fuzzy but so you get the idea...And a close-up...
We had a great Thanksgiving and I loved using my Stampin' Up! supplies to add to the Thankful feel of the holiday! I hope you all had a fabulous holiday and are looking forward to a wonderful Christmas holiday! Thanks for visiting! Hope you enjoy!

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