
Wednesday, October 14, 2015

October Club Project...It's an Extended Pillow Box...

One of my fave products in the Holiday Catalog is the Square Pillow Box die.  It makes such a cute square pillow box...perfect for gift card giving or any little gift you need packaged cute.  BUT...did you know it also can make an extended pillow box?!  That is what we made at my club group this month.  Check it out...

This is actually quite large...probably about 10" long or so. (Need to measure it to be sure.)

Here is a close up of the tag...

I used the "For All Things" stamp set.  Such a fun fall set.

The colors are:  Tangerine Tango, Crumb Cake, Hello Honey, and Pool Party.

Normally you cut out two pillow box pieces and adhere those together to make the square pillow box.  For this extended one, we cut out four.  Here's a quick view of how we put this pillow box together...

Then just add some glue to the flap and adhere the flat side to it, making the pillow box.

Thanks so much for visiting!  Let me know if you have any questions on anything!

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