Sunday, April 13, 2014

It's a "BANNER" Day!!!

Well I have had a bit of fun in my stamp room lately.  My brother-in-law is getting married next summer.  And there was an engagement party this weekend to celebrate the happy couple!  I couldn't be there in person sadly (although my hubby and oldest daughter were able to go) but I wanted to be there in spirit.  So I helped my sister-in-law that was throwing the party...and throws a magnificent making some decorations.  Mostly some fun banners!  Want to see them?!  

Well...I will show you!  Get ready for picture overload!  :)

This first banner I did was done with the Celebrations Basics Kit that is in the Mini Catalog.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE this kit! There are a few Add-On kits you can purchase to add some color.  But since I was working with specific wedding colors...I just made my own "add-on's".  Here is the first banner...

I know it's hard to see and this isn't the greatest pic (I was taking them quick so I could pack them up for my hubby to take with) here are some close-up's...

I embossed the letters that came in the kit, added a few banners and starbursts, and made some cutesy paper flowers.  Fun, right?!  Here is the banner hanging up at the party...

Here is another banner I made.  Again...not great photos.  This says "He Popped The Question!"

Then this one says "She Said Yes!"

Here are a few close-up's...

And them hanging at the party...

The last set of banners is a personalized set.  It is a set with their names and then their wedding date.  

Then a few close-up's...

Here are these hanging at the party...

Then just wanted to share the favor bag/tags I made.  I did these with My Digital Studio.  I haven't used this program much, but have started to really get into it.  It's SO MUCH FUN!  My sister-in-law filled the bags with all things "popped" for the kiddos.  Blow Pops, Ring Pops, etc.  (So pretend those are in there instead of the tissue paper.  :) )  

I hope you enjoyed this post!  Congrats to Mike and sweet Emily!  :-) Please let me know if you have questions.  I didn't put a whole lot of info in here, since it was such a long post with all the pictures!  So just let me know if you have any questions!  

Thanks so much for visiting!!

1 comment:

Pam said...

Love the way you use SU supplies and make the cutest stinkin avant garde decorative items for your home. A-maze-ing!!

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