Friday, March 11, 2011

So Sorry...

I need to apologize for my silence. :) My laptop died on me...something with the hard drive. There go all my pictures (luckily I had backed things up a month-ish ago so just lost the last month) and all that stuff. I just got my new laptop today and I'm super excited. So now I just need to get my programs and such back on here...take more pictures of my stampin' stuff that I need to show you...and I will be back up and running! Don't even know if anyone is around anymore...but I will be back soon! :) Oh...and yes...still not here yet. If she isn't here by Tuesday though...the doc is going to help her out a bit! :) So Tuesday should be the day...if not before! :)

Hope everyone is doing well! I will have some fun things to show you soon!


Bobby Sue said...

Good luck getting your little one here. Hope she comes safe and sound. :0)

Becky said...

I hope everything goes well on Tuesday.

Michelle said...

I never comment here but I love seeing what you make. You are super creative!

Just wanted to wish you luck getting little miss here and your Illinois friends can't wait to see pictures. Hint, hint! :) We've been thinking about all of you as we knew the due date was approaching.

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