Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Leadership Projects...Shelli Style!!

Today I wanted to share some super fun projects with you! I LOVE all of these! However...I did not make any of them. :) These projects are all from Leadership...and they were done by the owner of Stampin' Up, Shelli Gardner. I totally admire Shelli and all she has accomplished. She is one amazing woman! I could go on and on about what I admire about her...so feel free to ask if you want to know. :) But back to stamping...Shelli and I have different styles. She loves all things vintage...and I just don't really "do" that style. Not that I don't love it...that just isn't what ends up coming out when I create something. :) But I ALWAYS love the projects she makes. And I wanted to share with you a few she showed us when I was at this past Leadership Convention.

Look how cute this is!!! I love it!!!!
And this card....LOVE IT!!!! :)

And this one...LOVE IT again!!!
And this scrapbook page....OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!!
So I hope you enjoy these projects. Isn't Shelli amazing?! :) I know I certainly ooooh'ed and ahhhhh'ed over them when I saw them! :) Thanks for visiting!!!

1 comment:

♥ Kristy Woods ♥ said...

I love Shelli's Vintage style! How lucky of you to see it all.
Hope your well Darl.
Kristy x

Season of Elegance Suite Mini Artisan Design Team Blog Hop!

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