
Sunday, August 23, 2009

More Convention Gifts...

Sorry I haven't posted in a few days. We've been sick in our house, so not a whole lot has gotten done on my list of things to do. :) Sorry! But I've been wanting to share these other fun gifts I was lucky enough to receive at convention. Seriously...I'm so lucky! :) Here is a matchbox done with the Big Shot matchbox die...
I LOVE this Designer Paper (To The Nines). It's all textured and fabulous!
Then some yummy treats inside. :) This matchbox was done by Phyllis. She's a FABULOUS person, demo, crafter, and FRIEND! :)
Look at this next cute project...
This was made by Shirley who is also FABULOUS in every way! It's been fun to watch her grow as a stamper. She started out very unsure of herself and now she just goes for it and does such amazing things!!! :) are awesome! :) Here is the inside...
She made her own gum cover! Love this idea and I'm going to have to try it. :)
This last one was from one of my roommates at convention. We actually met through splitcoast stampers, but turned out she was my sideline!!! (We have the same upline a few uplines up!!) And we've become great friends and have been roomies the past 2 years for Leadership, and now Convention! are wonderful in every way as well! :) Here is her fabulous gift that she gave me...
She made 3 matchbooks and then made them in to a treat dresser! :) TOO MUCH FUN! Here is the inside...
Each drawer has a YUMMY treat inside!
I have loved looking at these gifts over and over and remembering all the fun of convention! Seriously...the best part for me is truly the relationships I have made through being a part of this amazing company, Stampin' Up!
Thanks for visiting!

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