
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Basket Fun...

Quick post today. I am actually working on a secret mission right now, so just have a quick project for you today. :) it's not really a secret mission....that just sounded fun to say. :) I was picked to be a display stamper for Stampin' Up!'s convention this year so I've been working on a few things for that. I just can't show you those things until after convention. (FYI....Stampin' Up! has a big convention each summer for all their demonstrators.'s a 4 day stamping party and it's SO MUCH FUN! Yes...I know people that sign up to be demonstrators just to go to this's that cool! :) Hehe. They have a ton of displays for you to take pictures of that other demo's have submitted to Stampin' Up! for different things. Then they also pick a handful of demo's to make project using new catalog stuff so we can have ideas immediately. I was one of those lucky handful this year to get to do this for this year! :) Yeah! Anyway...there was more info on that than you really cared to know, huh?!) On to today's project...
I have had this Basket Die for SO LONG and just haven't used it too much. So I decided to make a quick basket with it. And WHY NOT combine it with another fun Big Shot item?! I cut out the basket pieces and then ran them through the Big Shot again using the Stampin' Up! Manhattan Flower Textured Die. (I put a picture of it at the bottom so you can see what it looks like.) How much fun is that?! I think it adds such a fun texture! Here is a close-up...
I sponged some ink on the flowers to make them pop a bit more. My basket is So Saffron, so I just sponged it with some So Saffron ink. Then made a little tag and Voila! How fun and easy is that?! It really did go together so quick and I think it's quite cute. :) Here is what the whole die looks like...

Hope you enjoy! Thanks for visiting!


  1. so do you get super secret stuff from the new catalog??? congrats!

  2. I can't wait to see all the fun "super secret" things you come up with. :)
    As always this is fabulous! You are so good! :)

  3. This is how shall I say.... A product that I would most definitely love to have around the house, I mean it is beneficial.. Am I right or Am I Right?! Whether some may agree or not, it doesn't bug me to enjoy the company of one of these :)
    If everybody has them, I think I should have the opportunity in luxuriating myself with the presence of making this my present! Gotta say, its mainly because how well you've explained everything
    It's a great gift except for sometimes, but hey it surely does re-coupe and make up for boring and lost times..
    Samsung CLP-600 toner
