
Sunday, January 11, 2009

Swap Card #2

My 2nd swap card I just took the layout that I posted HERE and changed it up just a bit. Again, I used the stamp set I got at Founder's Circle. I thought it would be a fun one to use since most people won't have it...I thought they would appreciate having a sample with it before you can even order it. :) And it's fun to see a little preview, right?!

I used the same technique as the scrapbook page swap I did....I just colored in the top of the stamp and left the flowers white. This is a very simple card. I wanted to add something to it, but just ran out of time. Hope the recipients still enjoy it!
I get home today, so I will be updating with stuff from Leadership/Regionals soon!


  1. So fun! I bet everyone loved it! :)

  2. oooh, i love it ashley! i can't wait to hear about leadership! i bet it was soooo much fun!
